Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fool me once shame on you...

Fool me twice shame on me...

What is it about love? Or the promise of love? that makes one loose their mind, their senses and in some cases their cognitive abilities? I had everything packed up. Two neat bags full of unnecessary reminders of a relationship ended. I was to drop them off while he was out...he got the stomach flu and he was home.

He sent me a text stop in and say hi when you drop the stuff off. I said no (emphatically)! I said I'd cry. He said he just needed to see me. please.

So I did. We talked and talked and cried and cried. Then cried and cried and talked and talked. I drove away, ending it again. I was about to turn onto my road but I couldn't; I came back. He said he loves me and can't do it with out me.

So here we are back together. He's asleep, sick in the other room. I'm going to work. I'll let you know how this one plays out...

1 comment:

  1. Great blog...feels a little too familiar. I support you regardless of how crazy you think things are more brave than I.
