Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Silly little piece of paper...

How is it that in life we make new choices, take new risks, try new things but in the end we usually end up where we started? Casual dating? YES! I'll try that! Something new! Exciting! Fun! Different! That's right, I thought to myself, I don't want to be in a committed relationship, been there done that. I want to meet new people, have fun and enjoy life. You know me and of course we all know that wouldn't last to long. It was fun, yes, but confusing, a bit worrisome, and left me feeling more than a bit exhausted. Who was I going out with on Friday? What was I doing on Saturday? The result of that endeavor was that I found out that I do indeed want to be in a relationship. (I also found out that men still find me attractive, nice to know after 2 children, 7 years of marriage and 1.5 years of dating the same man!

I found that it some very basic ways I miss being married. That I like the monotony of dinner with the family, working on school projects together. That I like watching bad tv in bed. I like talking about unimportant things, silly things and things that matter. That I like having someone know, just by my voice, what kind of mood I'm in and why. As much as dating can be exciting and fun, I admit that I miss the safety, reassurance and comfort that come from being in a committed relationship. I miss the silly piece of paper that binds us in the eyes of the church, the state, and our families...