Friday, April 24, 2009


Best friends forever...what a concept. what a beautiful high school I remember I ended almost all of my secretly passed notes with a BFF or a LYLS (love ya like a sister) closing. But for how many people does this hold true? A friend forever? Through thick and thin? For better or worse? Through sickness and health?

In marriage I didn't find this. But in five people from my past, I have it.

What makes some friends the type that you can go days, weeks, months, even years without talking and the moment you are together or on the phone or chatting on-line the days melt away and it seems as if you were never apart? Those are the best type of friends. You pick up where you left off, never missing a beat; somehow although you both grew; you didn't grow apart, your friendship stayed strong, solid, and dependable.

My question to myself is why do we let those friendships stay idle? Is it because we know now matter what they are safe? Or are we afraid if we try to cultivate them that the thing that makes them special may die? I don't know but I think I"m going to try harder to maintain and sow those friendships...


1 comment:

  1. Love reading your blog are a good writer (and speller, lol). I hate those bad spellers as well! I do love my BFF's and wonder the same about why those relationships seem to last forever while others slip away...guess they just DO.
